Five Key Inner-Sights Worksheets


March 27 – March 31 @ 8:30 pm ET.
There are just Five Key Inner-sights that we all should have about ourselves.
We will spend twenty minutes a day for five days unlocking each one.
Worksheets for each Inner-Sight

Daily worksheets will be available around 7:30 pm ET each day.

Inner-Sight 1 Strengths & Weaknesses

Inner-Sight 2 Communication

Inner-Sight 3 Thoughts

Invite a friend!

Invite a friend to join us for twenty minutes a day during the last five days in March. Give your friend the link:

How to Join Me?

Choose what ever is easiest for you, log into listen or sign up to receive the worksheets and the call recordings.
Log in and listen here: (717) 908-1958 code: 1436113#
For international calls use the internet VoIP Dialer: using the same call in number and code as above.

DISCLAIMER *This five day experience and learning more about yourself is not guaranteed to free anyone from anxiety, depression or suicidal ideation. Everyone has a different experience and outcome. Results are based on individual commitments to continue to take action until you are free.*