The Spirit of Opulence

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10 King James Version (KJV)

Enjoy this short essay by Thomas Troward, Spirit of Opulence. God created life without limits and Jesus came so that we would have life more abundantly. This writing by Troward takes us on the journey of what the spirit of an abundant life looks like. I wrote the essay in first person -I, so that as you read it, your subconscious mind takes on the characteristics and hear’s you speaking unto yourself.

This reading, may help you to start thinking and behaving in an abundant way.

I’m sharing this reading with you because we have to align our thoughts and behaviors with all that God wants us to do, be and have. I suggest reading this essay every day for 30 days. The more you read it, the more aware that you become of yourself and the behaviors you display that are in harmony with the characteristics of the abundant life that you were born to have.

If you would like to take a deep dive into this reading reach out to me at:

*This page is intended for the use for private clients of Monica M Madden / Dominion Life Strategies, LTD* Contact me at for more information.