Home Cleaning

Holistic Health – DIY Home Cleaning Supplies

The environment I am responsible for & control is free from toxins!  I started with one step at a time. I am so excited.  Little did I know that removing these toxins contribute to depression and deduct from mental health. Talk about Holistic Health?

My 3 year journey has finally come to completion. 3 years ago I started on this journey to eliminate toxic household cleaners and supplies from my house. Learning about toxic ingredients allowed in our supplies and foods, I unintentionally started on this journey. My journey started when I was introduced to doTerra essential oils and I learned that I could take control over what I use in my house and on my skin. 

From burning candles to diffusing oils. 

From Store bought glass cleaners to Vinegar. 

From store bought soap powder to home made.

From dryer sheets to essentially oiled dryer balls!  Your skin is the biggest most exposed organ your body has. The doctors can tell what kind of dryer sheets you use by testing your liver, they have toxins and carcinogens in them! 

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    The list goes on. Well, this week I used the last toxic home item, dishwasher tabs!  I now make my own 🤩 not only is my health, my mind and my brain in better condition, my household cleaning supply bill is about $115 a year, down from about $600 a year. 

    Coming Soon: The 4 Pillars To Holistic Health!

    Your Dominion Life LTD