My Perfect Day Imagined

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is all work within us.. Ephesians 3:20

God wants us to use our imagination to connect with Him. He wants us to imagine and then ask. So I ask you, what does your “perfect” day look like? Use the worksheet, imagine what your day would look like and then write it out. After you’ve come to realize how you’re going to be living, what your days will look like, spend time each day dreaming or imagining that’s how you’re spending your day. Be the designer of your life, your days, don’t just give into everyones thoughts and perceptions.

If you would like help and take a guided deep dive into what you want out to me at:

*This page is intended for the use for private clients of Monica M Madden / Dominion Life Strategies, LTD* Contact me at for more information.